about 19 years ago ( oMG where did the time go???!!!) my sweet, but not smart cat Gracie gave birth to 4 kittens.........on top of the fence. Yes, you read that right, she had them on top of a fence!! ( there was about a 4 inch 2x4). I was away at a dog show and my also not-so smart room mate had let her outside for the day when he left for work- when he returned, he found her sitting on top of the fence with one live kitten, the others had fallen to their demise. At the time, my room mate was in an "I love Lucy" phase and talked with a cuban accent like Ricky Ricardo all the time- he took to calling the kitten "Little Ricky", and it stuck. Little Ricky turned out to be a wonderful cat, an amazing mouser who we often watched giving the neighborhood cats mousing lessons in the hay field by our house. I had Ricky for about 8 years- one day, he didn't come home and we worried coyotes might have caught up with him at last.
When i came home from our last trip, Nikki had been givin a stuffed kitty by her grandma and asked me to help her name him- of course, the resemblence was amazing and we named him "little Rikki"! he is Nikkis current favorite and leads quite the pampered Life!
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