Yes, my daughter still loves my feet. yes , I know it's weird. We think that she developed her love of the "puppies" when she was floor-bound for so long as a baby and toddler ( she had physical delays - she wasn't able to stand even with support until she was 16 months old, and didn't walk until she was 2) . My favorite "footie" memory I have with her was at the older kids karate class...it was parent day and all 20 or so parents had shed their shoes so they could join their kids on the mat....when we walked in, there were 40+ socked feet sitting in a row and Nikkis face lit up like the sun- it was a whole herd of footies!! She was only about 14 months old, and I spent the whole class trying to keep her from grabbing peoples feet! She is now 6 1/2, and is MUCH more subtle, thank goodness! She talks to them like they are her dogs- ( they are required to wear white socks or she tells them how silly they are and they'd better get some clothes on! She has had tea parties, cooked them many a meal, dressed them in hats, cried on them , laughed with them.......this child needs a dog worse than any kid I know! I told my husband i think she will grow up to have a house full of Maltese or some other white fuzzy dogs!
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