Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a Momentus Day

I did not vote for Mr. Obama, but still am touched by the meaning of this day! I was in Washington DC and Philadelphia last month and I am always thrilled by the history of our country. today was a day to watch it in the making- hooray!


  1. Your pics are just fabulous! I haven't been to DC in years. I told Rick tonight that we have to plan a trip once Teddy is a bit older. Your pics really make me want to go!

  2. we go there 2-3 times a year and I never get tired of it! Philly is great too- Independence hall and the Liberty bell are such great reminders of where we have come from......I love to listen to the stories of Ben Franklin and all of the other people who worked so hard to give us the indepence we enjoy today. These places are our nations treasures.

  3. That's a trip on my list-Thanks for showing the beauty of it all!
